Ask A Garnishment Lawyer – Why Are My Wages Being Garnished?
Wages are garnished when the court orders your employer to withhold some of your pay and directly send it to a creditor until your debts have been resolved. There are several reasons why your wages may be garnished, but a garnishment lawyer will be able to help you learn more about your legal rights so that the effect can be lessened.
Why Are My Wages Be Garnished?
There are several reasons why wages may be garnished. Student loans, consumer debts and child support are all common sources. While you may think wage garnishment rarely happens, in fact around 7% of employees experience this.
Often, garnishment will happen if you are sued by a creditor for non-payment of debts and they then win in court, although sometimes, creditors are able to force garnishment even without a court order – for example if you owe back taxes, child support or balances on student loans.
Notices are sent to your employer and to you yourself. After this, the garnishment begins within 5 – 30 working days. The garnishment will continue until your debt, possibly including interest and court fees, has been fully paid off.
How To Dispute Wage Garnishment
If you have received a garnishment judgment you may be wondering how you can dispute it. You may even be wondering how to stop a garnishment.
Firstly, you need to read the judgment carefully to ensure all the information it contains is accurate. You should also consider the amount of money that is going to be taken and determine what that implies for your finances and your current living situation. Once you have done this, it’s wise to consult a garnishment lawyer who can help you to work out which approach will work for you.
Which Options May A Garnishment Lawyer Near Me Suggest?
There are a few possibilities that your lawyer may suggest when it comes to dealing with a wage garnishment.
Firstly, they may suggest contacting your creditors to work out a deal. Sometimes, creditors are willing to agree to a payment plan rather than garnishing your wages. Alternatively, your lawyer may suggest challenging the judgment. If you think that the garnishment has been made erroneously, it will cause you undue harm, or that it isn’t be executed correctly, you may raise your objection in court. However, acting quickly in such cases is essential. In some cases, you may need to accept the judgment but pay the garnishment off in instalments or as a lump sum.
What Do I Do If Wage Garnishment Is Too Much Of A Financial Burden?
If your wage garnishment order is too much of a financial burden, you should seek legal advice. You can get a free consultation from Chares H. Huber, Attorney at Law who can help you to find a way forward to resolve your issues.
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